The right bridge for your business
One size does not fit all – the right Environmental Bridging strategy for your business needs to fit with your full business strategy and work with your customers, employees and shareholders.  With our rich experience of business strategy development, here's how we approach this challenge.
Building your Bridge
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Don’t put aside business skills to pursue an environmental path. The best approaches combine environmental insight with a firm understanding of the business’s customers, employees, processes and financials.
Most businesses have a choice about how far and how fast to build their bridge. But those who neglect environmental issues can find themselves responding to a crisis.  We call this "the bottom tin effect" after the dramatic events in canned tuna in 2011 (covered in our Environmental Bridging Viewpoint paper).
To help companies move beyond crisis management and make an explicit choice, we identify 3 levels of Environmental Bridging. Companies can take these in steps, or advance all three in parallel.

To deliver the best results, businesses should follow 4 steps. These steps don't have to be in strict order and many benefit from a more parallel approach covering the whole topic at high-level before diving into detail. Contact us to discuss the right approach for your business.
1. Understand the impacts – of your business on the environment, and of the environment on your business and the value chain of your industry.
2. Identify threats and opportunities. Threats can come from the environment itself, or indirectly through customer or regulatory action. Opportunities are widespread: reducing costs, increasing revenues, or even creating whole new businesses.
3. Agree your Environmental Bridging strategy. How far and how fast is right for your business? It's essential to link this to your broader business strategy.
4. Develop and launch specific actions. Like any idea, to achieve success, environmentally-driven ideas need to be evaluated, approved and integrated with your plans.
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