Experience – Technology
Our experience covers a wide range of issues, sectors and organisations. Â From satellite communications to energy supply to financial services. Â From long-range business strategy to multi-million pound investment decisions to tactical pricing.
Here are a few examples of how we have helped businesses large and small to achieve benefits from their technology and skills. Â Please contact us to learn more about our experience and capabilities.
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"Their unique combination of strategic advice and hands on implementation support has enabled us to drive our commercial strategy further, and faster, than we would otherwise have been able to achieve."
 – Chief Commercial Officer, International Media Group
An international technology service provider needed to understand the business opportunity from mass adoption of a 'smart' energy technology. Â
We quantified the potential value for its clients (several £10ms) identified the capabilities required to capture it, and set out possible business models to profit from the opportunity.
Sector: IT / Energy
Issue: New Market Assessment
We reviewed the commercial strategy of supplier of specialist technology supplier to the public sector with working closely with the MD and senior team, and analysising internal and external data and research.
Our work identified two vital changes to their strategy and one under-exploited opportunity. Â Initial actions on these started to yield payback in 2 months and others implemented within 9 months greatly improved the service experience they delivered.
Sector: Specialist IT
Issue: Strategy Review
A space hardware startup asked us to consider strategic and commercial issues around their business plan. Â
We showed that their initial approach was high stakes and very high risk, but there was an alternative market and development path that required much less investment and could be used to establish credibility and cashflow for later expansion.
Sector: Space
Issue: Strategy Review
A UK-based manufacturer of consumer electronics had dropped into losses and needed to change their business strategy to survive an increasingly cut-throat market.
We helped them compile a uniquely comprehensive picture of market size, shares and technology deployment, gaining insights into success factors and key trends. Â We facilitated their CEO and Executive Board through the development of a strategy that focused on their technology engineering strengths. Â Implementing this strategy enabled them to remain a product leader and not just to return to profit, but to double their revenue and increase profits over the next three years.
Sector: Consumer electronics
Issue: Market Strategy
A business services company wanted improve is sales performance. Â Our diagnosis showed there were opportunities in both marketing and sales, and also the opportunity to enable their sales people and service team to understand and work more effectively with each other. Â
With them, we developed a customer-focused marketing strategy and core web and sales materials, and started them on a path to better employee engagement. Â In the first year, this approach enabled a 57% increase in sales.
Sector: B2B IS-based services
Issue: Marketing and Sales
The technology department of a multi-national telecommunications firm developed a new technology that could revolutionise residential access. Â
We developed a plan to test the consumer appeal and economic value of the technology. Â
We discovered that the big value was not in increase service use, but in the retention of high value customers. Â As a result, the product was developed with a name and marketing that emphasised its value to those customers, and it has proved a great success.
Sector: Telecoms
Issue: New Product Market Positioning

Sector: Green Technology
Issue: New Market Identification
A green technology subsidiary of a major utility had success in its launch market but was struggling to penetrate other markets because it spread efforts too thinly. Â We ran a low-cost process with two workshops to identify a full list of potential markets, develop a prioritisation framework, and prioritise markets. Â Together, we identified 50 possible opportunities and used 6 'tests' to filter down to 2 for active development and 5 for very light investment that keeps options open. Â By focusing on the 2 key opportunities they were able to make more rapid progress and soon won significant contracts in these markets.